我对罗宋汤进行了自己的改进. 配法式面包一起吃也是有模有样的大餐.
Beef 牛肉
Celery 芹菜
Potato 土豆 2颗
Cabbage 卷心菜
Mushroom 蘑菇
Carrot 萝卜
Garlic 蒜
Onion 洋葱 half
Ginger 姜
Tomato Condensed Soup 西红柿浓缩汤 1can
Butter 黄油 50g
Salt..etc. 盐等调味料少许
Flour 面粉小许
- 牛肉切小小块, 在开水中焯几分钟, 去血水, 另煮一锅水, 水开后把焯好的牛肉放入,加入姜片,八角粉等去腥, 煮1hr.
- 芹菜, 土豆, 萝卜, 卷心菜切成同样大小的片, 蘑菇对半切. 洋葱切丝, 大蒜拍碎
- 黄油加热熔化, 放洋葱丝, 大蒜末稍稍翻炒, 倒入汤中
- 土豆片,萝卜片,芹菜片,卷心菜片,蘑菇,倒入汤中煮至软
- 加入西红柿汤,盐
- 筛入适量面粉,使汤变稠
Erm..........actually, this is just vege-beef soup plus baked bread, my version of western food. My roommates all said it was delicious, and tasty. It is not a very big meal, however, the disadvantage is this soup is pretty time-consuming.
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