Friday, May 16, 2008

Bless China

2008 is a difficult year for all Chinese and China government.

This Monday, 12 May, Sichuan Province suffered a 7.8 magnitude earthquake, and thousands of people was buries under collapsed buildings, almost 40,000 people are dead, and dozens of thousands of people was injured. This is another unexpected, and unpredictable tragedy since Tangshan earthquake in 1976.

Picture Gallery: China Earthquake - from The Australian
Picture: China Earthquake 2 - from The Australian
Map: Influencing Area in the Earthquake - from Red Cross Society

Tears burst out when I saw the pictures. I cannot stop cry. How much more disaster will my motherland suffer?
I donated to the Red Cross Society. It's really regret that I cannot donate blood. I have nothing to do but pray in the candle light, pray my China a bright tomorrow, pray every Chinese be happy and healthy.

God bless China.

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